Discover life at Harvest! Life isn't meant to be lived alone. Connect with others through small groups, ministries, events, and more.



We offer 3 services every Sunday: 10am (English), 3:30pm (Spanish), and 6:30pm (Portuguese). We have a separate service at 10am for our youth and children!


Wednesday night are set aside for our youth and young adults. They spend time discussing topics relevant to their spiritual and natural growth, and spend time fellowshipping and having fun!


Corporate prayer is essential for both personal growth, and the growth of the church. Every Friday, we gather at 7:30pm on campus for a time of worship and prayer until 9:30pm. On first and third Fridays, we have an extended time of prayer until midnight.


Small Groups

There is a place for you here. You’ll find Small Groups are an easy place to belong, meet lifelong friends, and grow in your understanding of who God is. 


One of the best ways to impact the life of someone is to provide mentorship, we also call this discipleship. if you're looking to mentor someone, or if you're looking for a mentor!

Text the letters "MAF" to (301) 588-8099

Online Community

Not in our georgraphic location? No problem! You can connect with us on our vairious digital media platrorms, listen to messages, and join us LIVE for service!


Serve the Church

We believe that life is better lived in service with and to others. There is a place here for you, no matter your interests, talents, and availability.

Serve the Community

Explore the various ways we're making a diffrence in Olney, and the surrounding Washington DC Metropolitan area!

Serve the World

With more than 450 churches and numerous missionaries around the world, Harvest is making a differnece through church planting, humanitarian relief, education, and medical missions.


Need Prayer?

Feeling burdened? Find comfort and support by submiting a prayer request.

Daily Prayer

The power of prayer is undeniable. We believe in the strength of corporate prayer! Join us on the Prayerline ach weekday morning from 5 AM to 8 AM. Different leaders guide prayer throughout the morning hours. You can pray for as long or as little time as you’d like.

Dial +1 (669) 274-9925 to join

3 Days of Prayer & Fasting

We dedicate the first Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each month for a time of corporate prayer and fasting. We share prayer points and pray each evening on Zoom



Have children? No problem, we've got you covered. We have a ministry for you child no matter what the age. We love the little ones, and understand the importance of a safe environment for children to learn about Jesus.


Looking for like minded youth to fellowship with? Look no further! We understand the importance of having good community in today's world, so we encourage you to join our youth and young adults fellowship.

Young Adults

Looking for like minded youth and young adults to fellowship with? Look no further! We understand the importance of having good community in today's world, so we encourage you to join our youth and young adults fellowship.


Our desire is to see women of all ages and levels of society, attain Christian maturity and fulfill their God-given destiny.  We believe that as women discover God’s plan for their own lives and start to actively pursue this plan, they will become God carriers, bringing other women closer to God by bringing God to them. In addition, we know that in this fast-paced world, it is easy for women to become disconnected from one another.  In the women’s ministry, we seek to serve as a bridge to connect women to one another.


The Men's Ministry exists to help men discover the greatness of God and how they have been uniquely called and shaped by Him to live the Great Commandment and to fulfill the Great Commission in every aspect of their lives: personal, home, church, workplace, community and world.


Need to speak with a Pastor or have them visit you or a family member? Let us know!


Harvest’s Couples Ministry is geared toward supporting and strengthening the relationships of all married & engaged couples.


Grief Share

Losing someone close to you can be hard, but you don't have to go through it alone. Join our virtual Grief Share program and receive the support that you need

Pastoral Care

Need to speak with a Pastor or have them visit you or a family member? Let us know!


Getting married and need guidance? Or are you and your spouse going through a rough patch? Our team of pastors are here to provide guidance!

Emotional Healing Seminar

Do you or someone you know carry burdens of hurt, pain, or anxiety? Are you longing to see God healing power touch your life and the lives of others? Is your heart burdened for those hurting in your community? We are excited to offer a FREE 8-Week Emotional Healing Seminar designed to equip YOU to experience wholeness and become a vessel of healing for your community!

Healing Room

Harvest Healing Rooms provide an opportunity to serve the church and community by sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, and helping people experience freedom from demonic attack holistically – spirit, soul, and body. The Healing Room is open every Sunday at 12:30 pm in Room 235


Getting married and need guidance? Or are you and your spouse going through a rough patch? Our team of pastors are here to provide guidance!


Have comments about anything or suggestions on what we can do better? We’d love to hear it!

Share Your Story!

Have a testimony of something God has done for you? Share and help encourage others!

Grow in Your Faith

Explore the various opportunities we provide here to help you grow in. your faith


Please click on the button below to submit a request for print, web, video, social media, or other events or activities needing media support.

Food Distribution

We're excited to serve hundreds of families in our community each week through our Food Distribution and Social Service Hub, in partnership with Montgomery County!

Invest Beyond

Learn about the construction of our new Cathedral!